PMC International Legal Services informs that according to the Official Gazette No. 27779 of Wednesday 13 May 2015.
First order: that the diplomas or degrees of technical courses, undergraduate, postgraduate, masters or doctorate presented with requests for Resident Permit as a foreign professional before submission to the National Immigration Service are approved by the applicant at the University of Panama, the Technological University or the national authority to the appropriate parties.
Second reiterate that only the titles of professions reserved for no professions reserved for Panamanians.
Third: This resolution shall take effect thirty days after its promulgation in the Official Gazette.
Legal Grounds: Articles 11 and 15 of Decree Law 3 of February 22, 2008
With this legislation, the requirements to apply for permanent residence as a foreign professional are:
– Power and application signed by the foreign (notarized and with their respective revenue stamps).
– Three photographs.
– Copy of passport duly collated (notarized or authority).
– Criminal Record Certificate.
– Health certificate.
– Cheque certified B / .250.00 to the National Treasury.
– Certified check for B / 800.00 in favor of the National Immigration Service.
– Affidavit Form Personal History.
– Original and copy of university diploma, bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate, previously duly approved and certified at the country of origin.
Ernesto Chong de León, Ernesto Emilio Chong Coronado