It is the Executive Decree 167 of June 3, 2016 which establishes the general migration regularization procedure.
DECRETO EJECUTIVO 167 DEL 3 DE JUNIO DE 2016 Immigration Regularization Other Nationalities
DECRETO EJECUTIVO 168 DEL 3 DE JUNIO DE 2016 Migratory Regularization for Chinese
Unlike the previous regulation process known as a melting pot, now foreigners must be compulsorily enrolled in the Social Security or state income tax.
The number of foreigners regularized may be limited by the government. The number of migrants can regularize each year will be released «at the end of each year.»
The card, temporary, will be issued for a period of two years.
The costs of this migration regularization process were also specified in this decree and will depend on the applicant’s nationality.
Neither children under 12 years or adults over age 85 will pay for this procedure.
The document notes that 80% of the money raised will be allocated will be used «to the Ministry of the Presidency for social assistance and security» while the remaining human resources for the National Migration Service 20%.