It is important to process a multiple visa to leave the Panamanian territory when you have a card processed or temporary residence, non diligence of a multiple visa carries a fine of USD 2000.00.
The authorization for multiple entry and exit is an entry visa and leave the national territory, issued by the National Immigration Service or authorized for migratory functions, non-resident aliens who request diplomatic or consular staff. This visa is granted on the basis of the provisions of this Decree Law and its regulations, special laws, treaties, conventions or agreements ratified or approved by the Republic of Panama.
The authorization for multiple entry and exit which is issued on behalf of a nonresident alien, will be up to five years and were to find in the corresponding passport, without prejudice to that stated otherwise. This authorization does not grant the right to remain in the country for a longer term established in this Decree Law for this category.
At the request of an interested party, multiple entry visa and departure abroad who is dealing with the change of immigration status of a temporary resident to permanent resident will be awarded.
The visa multiple entry and exit permit holder enter and leave the national territory an unlimited number of times while it remains in force. if the alien remains in the territory after the expiry of the authorized term, will apply administrative and pecuniary sanctions established in the law and regulations, including the cancellation of visa is included.
Ernesto Chong de León, Ernesto Emilio Chong Coronado