Author Archives: webmaster

In Panama Migration policy unchanged

Melting Pot, like the new decrees, spend the money raised to programs of the Presidency of the Republic. Decrees 167 and 168 issued on June 3, 2016 by the Executive for general regularization and migrants from China, respectively, have generated a debate about its resemblance to the Decree 547 of July 22, 2012, by whereby […]

En Panamá Política migratoria, sin cambios

  Crisol de Razas, al igual que los nuevos decretos, destinan el dinero recaudado a programas de la Presidencia de la República. Los decretos 167 y 168 emitidos el 3 de junio de 2016 por el Ejecutivo para la regularización general y para los emigrantes provenientes de China, respectivamente, han generado un debate en torno […]


It is the Executive Decree 167 of June 3, 2016 which establishes the general migration regularization procedure. DECRETO EJECUTIVO 167 DEL 3 DE JUNIO DE 2016 Immigration Regularization Other Nationalities DECRETO EJECUTIVO 168 DEL 3 DE JUNIO DE 2016 Migratory Regularization for Chinese Unlike the previous regulation process known as a melting pot, now foreigners must be […]


  Se trata del Decreto Ejecutivo 167 y 168 del 3 de junio de 2016 que establece el procedimiento de regularización migratoria general. DECRETO EJECUTIVO 167 DEL 3 DE JUNIO DE 2016 Otras Nacionalidades DECRETO EJECUTIVO 168 DEL 3 DE JUNIO DE 2016 Regulación Migratoria Chinos A diferencia del anterior proceso de regulación conocido como Crisol de […]

Deputy Minister of Finance: Panama’s economy remains stable

  Deputy Minister of Finance, Eyda Chinchilla Varela said Panama’s economy remains stable. Similarly he indicated that to date have not been reported «negative effects» in the evolution of bank deposits and the risk premium of the securities of the State in international markets, following the investigation by the International Consortium of Journalists research (ICIJ, […]

Spanish companies, to «hunt» for new projects in Panama

  The Panamanian government plans to tender in the coming months projects worth about 4,000 million dollars, an amount that is part of an ambitious investment program amounting to 19.000 million until 2019 and has attracted the interest of Spanish companies. This is the case of groups like Sacyr and ACS, who bid for the […]

They give the green light to foreign

The president said that the State the right to decide who shall be reserved regularized REGULARIZATION With two decrees of Cabinet to be published today in the Official Gazette, the Executive will allow foreigners who are in the country to obtain immigration status. This was announced by President Juan Carlos Varela yesterday and said that […]

Darán luz verde a los extranjeros

  El mandatario aclaró que el Estado se reservará el derecho de decidir a quien regularizará REGULARIZACIÓN Con dos decretos de Gabinete que se publicarán hoy en Gaceta Oficial, el Ejecutivo permitirá que los extranjeros que estén en el país puedan obtener un estatus migratorio. Así lo informó el presidente Juan Carlos Varela ayer y […]